Tuesday, February 7, 2012


过年 (2012)


Just words

How long has it been since I put on my headphones and let random lyrics bring me to random places of my memory

How long has it been, since the time I've been taking pictures and writing down the parts of my life in this blog with you guys, just in case there comes a day that I forget the feeling of your company

How long has it been, since the day we thought we might not be seeing each other again, as we write and we say and we sing to make the moments last long enough that we can recall sweet memories from it before we split

How long has it been, since the time I worry myself for my future- what will I be doing, who am I going to be, where should I be heading towards

How long has it been, since the time I started this new life of living far away from home, far away from the communities I'm used to living with, speaking now less of what I have been speaking in, learning now different from what I have been learning of, living now less dependent from what was before

How long has it been, since I patiently sat myself down, and hit on this keyboard, word by word, to express all that voice building up within


Der Wind ist fremd, du kannst ihn nicht umfassen,
Der Stein ist tot, du wirst beim kalten, derben
Umsonst um eine Trosteskunde werben,
So fühlst du auch bei Rosen dich verlassen

Bald siehst du sie, dein ungewahr, erblassen,
Beschäftigt nur mit ihrem eignen Sterben.
Geh weiter: überall grüßt dich Verderben
In der Geschöpfe langen, dunklen Gassen

(The wind is a stranger, you cannot embrace it;
The stone is dead; from that cold, rough thing
You will solicit a message of comfort in vain;
Even among roses you will feel neglected;

Soon you will see them fade, unaware of you,
Concerned solely with their own dying.
Pass onward: everywhere decay greets you
In the long, dark streets of God's creatures)

-Nikolaus Lenau, Einsamkeit II